Legacy Partners
While you feel strongly about helping ensure the future of the library, we realize that your primary concern is for the financial security of your family and other loved ones.
Fortunately, there are many ways for you to put your family first and make a gift to the Library Foundation. With just a little planning, you can support our library services and programs far into the future. We hope you’ll find our online information helpful as you discover the charitable gift that’s right for you.
The Legacy Partners of the Library Foundation honors all planned giving donors for their support of our mission. We would be gratified and honored to include you as a Legacy Partner if you have provided for the Louisville Free Public Library or the Library Foundation in your will or trust; designated the Louisville Free Public Library or the Library Foundation as the beneficiary of a qualified retirement plan, savings bond, bank account, or life insurance policy; and/or created a planned gift that returns fixed or flexible income to you or others.
We welcome the opportunity to have a confidential conversation with you at no obligation. If you should be a member of the Legacy Partners, or would like information, contact Chandra Gordon, Executive Director.