State funding for libraries – we need your help!

The 2014 legislative session is in full swing, and until April 15, the individuals representing us in the Kentucky General Assembly are meeting to make important decisions that have an impact on the Library and our community.

One of the issues under consideration is the funding of Kentucky’s library construction grant program. As a Library Foundation donor, you have generously supported the Library’s programs and services. Now we need your voice of support to encourage state lawmakers to fund fully the library construction grant program in the governor’s proposed budget. As it stands now, the governor’s budget includes $1 million of funding in each of the two years of the budget biennium. But in order for Kentucky’s libraries to move forward with immediate construction and renovation needs, the legislature must increase that funding to $2 million in the first year of the biennium and $4 million in the second year. This program will help Louisville’s libraries and those in 30 other counties across Kentucky.

Here’s how you can help:

Please send a message to your legislators by calling 800-372-7181. To find out who your legislators are, please click here. Ask them to support the library construction grants program. Please email any feedback from legislators to

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