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If You Could Have One Superpower, What Would It Be?

Invisibility? The ability to fly? What about unlimited access to knowledge?

We can’t help you much with the first two (yet), but the Louisville Free Public Library offers the tools and resources for you to find answers to any question — questions like, “Who is Superman?” or “Where is the Batcave?”

And while we may not be able to grant you the ability to read minds or run faster than the speed of sound, we can offer you a way to be a superhero: by making a donation to support the LFPL’s Summer Reading Program today.

Your financial support of the Summer Reading Program ensures that every child in Louisville has the opportunity to be engaged in reading during the summer months so they return to school ready to succeed in the fall.

With your gift, you support children across our community. You can also make your gift in honor of the special readers in your life — we’ll send a customized certificate to let them know how important reading is to you and how proud you are of them!

Donate online now!

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