Please support the Library Foundation and be a force for good on September 13th!
Where can you find books, e-books, magazines, movies, music, computers, and more? Where can you find free Wi-fi? Where you can you find fun programs, educational classes, and story times? Where can you find resume assistance, job searches, and online skill-building? Where can you listen to famous authors discuss their books? Where can you attend the How To Festival, HarryPotterPalooza, and Family STEAM Day? At the Louisville Free Public Library! And, it’s all free for 3 million annual visitors.
But there is a cost. The Library Foundation raises funds to support library services and resources that aren’t covered by public allocations. Because the library serves all people, businesses, and organizations, your charitable contribution to the Library Foundation is quite literally a gift to the entire community. Please help us support your library on September 13!