Mayor proposes funding to start Northeast Regional Library

UPDATE: On June 23, 2016, Louisville Metro Council approved the mayor’s proposal for funding planning and design of Northeast Regional.

Mayor Greg Fischer announced support for the Northeast Regional Library during his budget address on May 26, 2016, with funding included for planning and design of this new branch of the Louisville Free Public Library.

“Our libraries are lifelong learning hubs throughout our city,” Fischer said, committing $650,000 for the initial phase of the project. “One of my goals for next year’s budget will be to fund the construction of this library.”

The Northeast Regional Library will complete the regional library vision of the Library Master Plan approved by the Metro Council in 2009. Southwest Regional opened in 2014, and South Central is under construction with an anticipated opening date in early 2017. The Library Foundation conducted capital campaigns to raise funds to support both projects.

Located at the intersection of New La Grange Road and Whipps Mill Road, near the Northeast YMCA, the Northeast Regional Library will be a park-like setting on land currently owned by the city. With 40,000 square feet, the new state-of-the-art facility will replace the much smaller Westport branch housed inside Westport Middle School.

Fischer said promoting lifelong learning — one of the city’s core values — is one pathway to prosperity for Louisvillians. The Northeast Regional Library, he said, will “be a place that inspires learning at all stages of life.”

The mayor’s proposed budget will now be reviewed by Metro Council members. Voice your support for this project by contacting your council representative — find that information here!

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