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The Library’s Programs Need Your Support!

As we enter a season of gratitude, The Library Foundation is thankful for the support of donors like you. Our supporters show commitment to the programs and services the Foundation helps make possible through your contributions.

A gift to the Foundation means so much — maybe even more than you realize.

You see, the library is books … and so much more. There are programs that encourage young girls to pursue interests in science, technology, engineering and math. Online services allow adults to learn new skills to further their careers — when and where it’s convenient. Educational, entertaining, and enduring programs, open to people of all ages and all backgrounds.

Donate now and double your gift! Up to $10,000 in contributions to The Library Foundation will be matched by an anonymous donor who appreciates what the library does for our community — just like you.

Across our community, supporters just like you ensure the existence of public libraries through advocacy and financial support — and you do this because public libraries are fundamental to who you are and what you cherish about our city.

That’s why I am writing to ask you to donate now to The Library Foundation.

To accomplish its goals, LFPL needs you now more than ever. By being an active participant, you bring the library to life — and your voice ensures the library is funded adequately to provide the essentials, and your gifts guarantee programs and services worthy of our world-class city.

Your support speaks volumes — thank you.

My best to you,
Chandra Gordon
Executive Director

P.S. You make these programs possible! Please make your gift today to support The Library Foundation’s work with LFPL.

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